'Love, Alice follows Alice, a middle-aged literature teacher whose lifelong loneliness is exacerb...
Tom Weise's daring and controversial memoir 'Living Off The Edge' recounts his struggles to survi...
In 2007, award-winning editor Tara L. Masih put out a call for Intercultural Essays dealing with ...
In the age of blogs and omnipresent social media, where is the line between laudable, cathartic h...
Eli Cranston, Esq. has fled his Los Angeles law practice after the loss of his wife and daughter....
we: an adoption and a memoir centers on the story of Barnz adopting a child and the legal battle ...
The Cracker Factory(The 1977 Classic - 2010 Edition)
Set in the past, and present, LEMONGRASS HOPE is a captivating and unpredictable love story, with...
Two months to live.That's what the doctor says. Sally responds with grace and optimism. ...
Elise Faulkner is more at home in the waters of her beloved Lake Michigan than on land where her ...