Bram Stoker Award winning editor Michael Bailey brings you a genre-bending anthology of dark scie...
The future of humankind as an ever-changing organism is a subject of much debate. Where is our ev...
4 short stories, 4 novelettes, 4 novellas, and 4 graphic adaptations make up this mammoth book of...
The Library of the Dead is an anthology of literary fiction inspired by Chapel of the Chimes, a c...
Enter a cruel palindrome world: a symmetric place where disturbing situations displace the common...
A small collection of dark science fiction by Bram Stoker Award-winning author Michael Bailey. In...
A literary blend of science fiction and horror, Qualia Nous contains short stories, novelettes, a...
Written Backwards presents The Impossible Weight of Life, a painfully autobiographical collection...
Pellucid Lunacy was the first anthology by Written Backwards, and the recipient of both the Inter...
What happens when we make monsters? What happens when we make monsters of ourselves? Grotesque be...
Michael Bailey returns to the strange town of Brenden, Washington to expand the events of Palindr...
An anthology for and about the worst (and what will turn out to be the 2nd worst) President of th...