Hidden beneath desert sands and cleverly written as an intriguing story in the pages of the Bible...
Situated in Beth-Hill, where imagination meets reality, is The Rose Emporium, owned by elderly an...
International intrigue and spiritual conflict collide!Turning to God always results in a major li...
For the ten generations since the evil first came to Woodcutter's Grim, the Guardians have sworn ...
For the ten generations since the evil first came to Woodcutter's Grim, the Guardians have sworn ...
Werewolves change into wolves when the moon is full. But Edward's curse only allows him to be hum...
In this collection of fantasy short stories all featuring female protagonists, you'll find divers...
For the ten generations since the evil first came to Woodcutter's Grim, the Guardians have sworn ...
An educator, warrior and adventurer, Corim had a gentle heart and a thirst for the unknown. Littl...
Saving the collapsing timeline cost Corim Vale his right arm and half of his soul, proving that t...
Pepin Merripen, now a young man of fourteen, has forged a strong bond with the elves. So when Que...