Bob Buford tells the compelling story of an unlikely, 23-year friendship between the Austrian-bor...
Have you heard that yoga can make a huge difference in your mobility, ease, and quality of life, ...
While My Soldier Serves offers prayers and scripture references for the person at home to pray fo...
In this sea of overwhelm and confusion that is life, Paula's book provides soothing comfort.Whate...
Former NFL MVP Randall Cunningham knows that God can do miraculous things in our lives--not in sp...
We've all been foolish, but Andrew Palau declares that he was among the worst-magnified by his st...
The promise of becoming more by doing less sounds incredible almost too good to be true but peopl...
If life were a week you would make every moment count. You'd be more motivated, more focused, mor...
Moving from a fear-based life to faith-based freedom is a journey that takes time and courage. Wh...
Drawing from an extensive national survey of more than 1,300 men and women, best- selling author ...
What's Hiding In Your Heart?Deep down, every woman longs to feel loved and secure. We may think w...