Translated by Rika Lesser. Written after the tragic and unexpected loss of her young husband, thi...
Edited and Translated from the Greek by Edmund Keeley. A new translation of poetic masterpieces s...
Translated from the Greek by Sarah McCann. Maria Laina's debut English collection. Laina's poems ...
Maria Borio's TRANSPARENCIES is the visceral and surreal English-language debut of one of Italy's...
The English-language debut of Ver--nica Zondek, Cold Fire is a book-length meditation on the wind...
'In these still lifes of the interior, Maria is between worlds. Somewhere between the self and th...
'When a younger generation of Spanish poets began to awaken and stretch their creative limbs at t...
Poetry. Translated from the German by Burton Pike. One of the most influential poets of the 20th ...
Winner of the 2020 Raiziss de Palchi Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets.
'These surprising, clear, and appealing poems are to be enjoyed again and again, marking Ficowski...
The English debut of one of Greece's most radical and original poetic voices.