Follow-up to the acclaimed play, Eclipsed where Sr Luke, a former superior of Killmacha Magdalen ...
Galway Then, Galway Now is an anthology of Galway based writers who have been published in Crannó...
Eclipsed tells the poignant and sometimes humourous story of the penitent women consigned to Magd...
This tragi-comic novel follows Marina from infancy through a troubled childhood and the forging o...
Set in the 1980's Braided Loves reveals a woman's struggle to be happy while battling with sexual...
Fourteen stories showing a deep understanding and empathy towards the human condition - towards t...
Poetry which is eloquent, sublime and visionary in its relation to the divine. Epic poems that dr...
Issue 53 of Crannóg magazine publishe dout of Galway, Ireland. Crannóg is Ireland's premier ficti...
The place Dublin. The time early 1970s. Rose Leahy and Grace Donovan have been friends from child...
Short stories describing the comedic, the bizarre, the lonely by a bold new voice in Irish writing.
Memoir of Patricia Burke Brogan, the woman who first broke the story of the plight of the Magdale...