On the edge of a war-weary and devastated galaxy, charismatic Lewis Orne makes planetfall on Hama...
Pandora's humans have been recovering land from its raging seas at an accelerated pace since The ...
'A work that leads us to the very rim of the unknown.' -H.P. LovecraftWhat does the edge of early...
Frank Herbert will forever be known as the 'author of Dune,' the science fiction masterpiece that...
Terror in the borderlands...Lulu Lavender's mixed-race family has been slaughtered, and she has b...
A trap set for the band goes from bad to worse as organist and resident sorcerer Adrian badly bun...
Before permanent lunar encampments such as Clarke's Clavius Base (in 2001: A Space Odyssey) or He...
Strange characters cast long shadows over the Old West. There was Paul Bunyan. There was Pecos B...
Red. The color of blood, of war, of passion-and of a new unicorn herd.A Game of Horns: A Red Unic...
Notorious for their satanic lyrics, drunken excess and rumors of blood sacrifice, the Banshees sh...
'Wickedly funny, deviously twisted and enormously satisfying. This is a big juicy bite of zombie ...
'Readers looking for short bursts of inspiration will be pleased.'-Publishers WeeklyCreativity co...