The Trail of Ted Bundy: Digging Up the Untold Stories, is a journey back in time, to a world when...
Kahassai fled the Ethiopian Red Terror that killed his father and hundreds of thousands of others...
What do Wyatt Earp, Belle Gunness, Big Foot the Renegade, Billy the Kid, and Dr. H.H. Holmes, and...
The World Encyclopedia of Serial Killers is the most comprehensive set of its kind in the history...
'Lizzette Martinez's story embodies the fire energy that gives light and life to survivors all ar...
'I know that the way the bodies were left, the person who killed those girls had an excellent kno...
'Sullivan's A-to-Z coverage of Ted Bundy provides a solid guide to the people and places that def...
'The highwayman brought his hand up and ran his fingers through the beard. 'Where do we go from h...
Hang onto your shamrocks and shillelaghs, folks. Max Blake, that hard-boiled private detective an...
In the backcountry of Idaho, a tribe of men are hunting and killing with a dream of returning the...
HE WAS THEIR DEADLIEST KILLERThe late Roth Tiberius Cain, legendary CIA hit man, is gone, but not...
In 2007, U.S. Army Specialist Jorge G. Sandoval Jr. was charged with murder by the very governmen...