The simple act of a butterfly flapping its wings, and our journey begins. A tracing of modern day...
In 60 flash fictions, The Laws of Average celebrates the insanity of falling in love, the absurdi...
Kate Gray's For Every Girl is a love song to and celebration of the girl, the queer, the survivor...
Set in an AMC theater in the iconic Mall of America, 10:01 drops into and out of the various mind...
Part romantic speedmetal opera, part autobiographical asphyxiation caper, part David Sedaris and ...
The mothers in this collection are awkward women with desperate urges, struggling with their fail...
Head in Flames is an astonishing collage novel composed of chips of sensation, observation, memor...
Part romantic speedmetal opera, part autobiographical asphyxiation caper, part David Sedaris and ...
Written over the course of eight years, Someone Told Me combines associative self-portraiture, ly...