An anthology composed of poets from around the world who write about the struggles of the world's...
In Cutting Down the Last Tree on Easter Island, award-winning poet Lenore Weiss embodies the them...
In his debut collection of hard-hitting poems, Albuquerque Poet Laureate Hakim Bellamy addresses ...
With insight, humour, and uncompromising honesty, Nobody's Jackknife explores power and powerless...
For one year after its arrival in the United States the dismantled Statue of Liberty sat in 214 u...
Phillips's debut full-length collection, the book is a love letter to the desert and an indictmen...
Poetry. Fiction. Memoir. For more than 40 years, Charles Potts has remained true to his origins a...
Claribel Alegria, born in Esteli, Nicaragua, in 1924, is one of the great voices in twentieth-cen...
This collection is a celebration of Paula Gunn Allen's life (1939-2008) as an indigenous scholar,...
Poetry. Asian American Studies. Passionate and sensuous, these poems address both mind and body. ...
Written over the last decade, these poems include memories of the author's early childhood in Mal...
This debut poetry collection tackles issues as various as marriage, parenting, death, art, illnes...