The Tzalekuhl soldiers return after their victory at Cobán Rock. Though they were victorious, the...
DEAD BEATS is a 168-page anthology of music-themed horror comics stories, ranging in tone from gr...
'Embedded with an eco-terrorist group hellbent on explosive direct action, investigative journali...
The highly anticipated sequel to theNew York Times featured, Ringo Award nominated anthology, 'Al...
Having worked together for over 15 years, line artist and Chris Brunner and colorist Rico Renzi h...
Humanity colonized the distant galaxy, Cayrels Ring, a thousand years ago, but they've only now b...
A small Colorado town. Three drug runners with a vanfilled with product. Two police officers inve...
'In a retelling of the Arthurian legends that upends the traditional notions of birthright, a you...
More of a collection of stories than an anthology, these nine stories are all written by Tyler Ch...
'Everyone has heard the whispered tales of the phantom who lives beneath the opera house, the mys...
'One average girl's mission with her BFF through an unnerving world of near-future tech to take b...