Forty-seven stories about family-from flash fiction to full-length works, deeply felt, autobiogra...
Set between the 1920s and the present day, STRIVERS AND OTHER STORIES explores a range of African...
Robert Herschbach's debut collection, Loose Weather, interweaves empirical observation with histo...
Becoming a going 'into the wilderness,'' says author Jesse Lee Kercheval of David Ebe...
'This book helps me remember why I fell in love with poetry in the first place.' -- Tim Seibles, ...
In these twenty three darkly comic short stories, Nathan Leslie portrays self-appointed cops, sho...
Don't Wait to Be Called is a collection of short stories that span the distance from Eritrea and ...
The characters in Kathleen Wheaton's linked stories are exiles-from their native countries, their...
Elizabeth Knapp's poetry explores the intersections between modern society, personal mortality, a...
An anthology of new fiction and poetry from Washington Writers' Publishing House, a 47-year-old c...
We meet a Mayan cowboy, Archimedes, a diamond smuggler and a nightclubbing saint in this collecti...