Shivani Gupta's inspirational tale of overcoming a debilitating disability, 'No Looking Back', is...
This book is about taking time to visualize the big picture and developing an understanding of th...
Amazing and Heart warming stories for a positive change in your life... Each of the nine stories ...
This is the Marathi version of senior bureaucrat Madhav Godbole's book - Good Governance: Never o...
Have you lost your mind?! Delhi to Mumbai? Is this some sort of a joke? And your work, your famil...
Few occupants of Rashtrapati Bhavan have had the impact that President Kalam had on our social an...
'Chisel's Blows' is analbum of the memories of my student life. I have penned thisautobiography e...
If you enjoy strange incidents, unexplained events, macabre endings and violent deeds, then brows...
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This book deals with the basic essentials in contemporary marketing research. It has been specifi...
Birds have significant roles in the Ramayana. The epic progresses because of birds at crucial mom...
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