'A Man Among the Helpers' is the unique story of one man's journey into the incredible world of N...
This is the story of two young entertainers - one a singer, the other a ventriloquist and comedia...
During World War II, German advanced weapons prototypes were called wunderwaffen or wonder weapon...
Doing the Charleston: a Geechee Memoir is not a novel. It reads more like a young boy's diary: Ti...
Sometimes amusing, often touching, 'Notes from a Passage' is an engaging and thought-provoking co...
Off to England for supper with Sherlock Holmes, morning tea with Miss Marple, or a pub crawl with...
This time the Team & Board are stretched to their max when they take ona project that tries to pr...
Five priests are dead, brutally murdered by the people God sent them to save. One survived, the y...
A lone traveler on a doomed starship crashes to Earth in Northern Siberia at the turn of the 20th...
Nature writer Bill Belleville takes us behind the scenes of a PBS documentary via kayak, boat, an...
In 'Breath & Other Ventures,' Bill Bridges has created a companion piece to his earlier 'Places &...