This is the story of Rita Blattberg, a Jewish child from Krakow, from when the Germans invade Pol...
The book explores how history and politics were expressed in the war writings of Emanuel Ringelbl...
Here Isabelle Seddon reveals the astonishing contributions made by British born Jewish women in t...
The Czech Refugee Trust Fund in Britain 1938-1975
Alexandre and his family live in Poland, which is partitioned in 1939, followed by a brief period...
Provides four detailed understandings of the nature and scope of the Babylonian Talmud, outlining...
This siddur (Jewish daily prayer book) - in Hebrew text with English notations - is written for c...
Why Evolution Matters examines the concept of evolution in relation to Judaism, showing that far ...
Three Jewish children try to save Queen Elizabeth's Jewish physician when he's falsely accused of...
A catalogue of the suffering inflicted upon the the Jewish people was already in its 10th year of...
This anthology of short stories reflects the wide range of subjects and styles written by Israeli...