Young, clueless, cannibalistic revolutionaries are attempting to take over a serene suburban haml...
In 'Halal Pork and Other Stories,' Cihan Kaan projects an avant-garde, post 9 11 world, from the ...
'Echoing the manifesto culture of Western modernity and of the avant-gardes, The Complete Nothing...
A collection of socialist, surrealist poetry and prose, 'Theater of War' parodies the rhetoric of...
The Mediterranean Sea has become a harrowing gauntlet for hundreds of thousands of refugees and m...
Poet, novelist, translator, critic, and scholar, Ammiel Alcalay is Deputy Chair of the PhD Progra...
A fifteen-year-old widow runs across a bridge to catch a train bound for Trichi. Sowmya is runnin...
The long awaited 2nd edition of from the warring factions brings back into print Ammiel Alcalay's...
'There is no wisdom of the banal, just the smell of bougainvillea. Beige is a long walk through t...
'Incorporating the density of Spanish surrealism and a sprawling Whitmanesque line, this amazing ...
A theoretical, mythopoetic work, Tractatuus Philosophika-Poeticuus uses various poetic, narrative...
By pushing at the boundaries of American unease and examining certain discomforts, The Infected N...