In a world where celestial beings and demons are sworn enemies, an unimaginable love begins to bl...
In the quiet coastal town of Havenport, lighthouse keeper Lena lives a life as steady and calm as...
Dive into the chilling depths of our Horror Anthology, where seven tales unfold the eerie mysteri...
Prepare your senses for this terrifying collection of 18 Short Stories and Flash Fictions as we g...
A wake for the damned.A bar with some happenings.A cannabis field polluted with toxic ooze.And a ...
When Lionel and Goldie's baby is stolen, it leads them to a farm in the middle of nowhere where t...
Everyone knows the feeling.The hair stands up on your arms and the back of your neck.The feeling ...
Suffering a breakdown caused by the death of her father, Ann Walker finds herself convinced by he...
Lydia and Norah have been warring neighbours for years, but when Norah slaughters Lydia's herd of...
Andrew saw the first bug come out of this guy's face at the airport; turned him into a cannibalis...
In a faraway land, a slave named Valxika of Demir is sold to a cruel merchant who uses her otherw...
Albert Ridgeway is an asshole. He's also trucker with a sketchy past and an unhealthy addiction t...