Enchanted Modernities tells the story of an Indigenous community's work to decolonize and reclaim...
In seven concise chapters that document both the history of Nordic folkloristics and the ongoing ...
As the latest season of Top Chef reveals, Wisconsin foodways contain much more than beer, brats, ...
It has long been known that Hollywood was actively involved in shaping US public opinion during W...
'Life becomes a form of excavation in Felicia Zamora's newest poetry collection, Interstitial Arc...
'The many roles and performances women negotiate compose the kaleidoscope of perspectives that ri...
New Drama--a collection of actors, directors, and playwrights in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus--is...
In his early thirties, Kurt Endlicher has finally settled down, with a steady job as a teacher an...
'Over the course of twenty-five years, Dario Bellezza - Italy's first openly gay, major prize-win...
In these inventive and formally daring stories, Dustin M. Hoffman shines a light into the dark co...
During the Hellenistic period, the North Aegean Sea was a dynamic and diverse area, linked by rob...
Part blasphemous prayer, part stand-up comedy, wholly unique, this breathtaking collection is by ...