From New Orleans's mythology springs a story capturing Marie Laveau as a young free woman of colo...
This ground breaking study is the first to comprehensively examine the history of yellow fever in...
James Nolan describes this collection of his New Orleans poems as an 'autobiography of place,' fo...
In fascinating detail, Dying to Tell gives us an in-depth look at different kinds of criminal dea...
New Iberia was founded by a handful of Spaniards in the spring of 1779. In the more than two hund...
The Bringiers were among Louisiana's most prominent families during most of the 19th century. Tho...
This anthology constitutes the first attempt to fill comprehensively one of the most enduring lac...
One tried to swim his way out, masquerading in woman's finery that dragged him beneath the raging...
A history of the South Louisiana, German community of Roberts Cove from 1880 to 2007, including a...
Whenever outlanders think of Louisiana, many automatically call to mind images of trappers in the...
The history of Louisiana is replete with many prominent personalities who were instrumental in gu...
A study of William Claiborne's eventful career is infinitely more than the mere chronicle of a re...