Water Mask is an adventurous memoir from Monica Devine, an itinerant therapist who travels to vil...
In the Quiet Season & Other Stories explores the human landscape of Alaska. While the stories tak...
At Howard Rock's birth, a shaman predicted that he would become a great man. Born in 1911 in a so...
'In 1941, Anna Harker is attacked by an ax-wielding assailant in the gold-bearing ridges borderin...
The Whales, They Give Themselves is an intimate life history of Harry Brower, Sr. (1924-1992), an...
Mari Hoe-Raitto listed first on prev. ed.
With the first headlines that screamed 'Gold! Gold! Gold!' the rush to the Klondike quickly becam...
Please give a 200- to 300-word description of your book.The growth of modern-day Alaska began wit...
The turbulent history of Fairbanks, Alaska is far less well-known than most urban histories. With...
Lucy helps her grandfather, and her entire community, recall the traditional dance festivals that...
'Through a single descendant's voice that speaks to the Sâami diaspora, this collection of poems ...
'The poems of Water the Rocks Make commit into words the turbulence of emotion and thought stirre...