On May 25, 2000, Mike Palmer, an aerospace engineer and a recognized expert in wind-tunnel design...
In this second book in the series, Charlie the golden retriever is afraid to go to the doctor but...
The great Gooferman is a master magician who first began practicing his act as a young boy. Just ...
I dare you. Those are the words Lisa Saunders hears every time she preaches. I dare you to say an...
A collection of 150 motivation quotes by persons from Oprah Winfrey to Sir Winston Churchill to C...
This book is a study of the last stages of human life and the thoughts, fears, hopes, and actions...
For over two decades, Drs. Carla and David Osgood-both Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who met in...
[Loyalist Colonel Robert Gray] described South Carolina as 'a piece of patch work, the inhabitant...
In 1970, a young Cincinnati Reds fan, struggling with his family's move from Ohio to northern Vir...
In the small country church where he grew up, James 'Micky' Blackwell remembers Wednesday night '...
Acclaimed by leaders, teachers and grassroots justice-seekers from multiple faith traditions, Jus...
If you've ever flown on a commercial airliner and listened as a flight attendant walked passenger...