In a provocative yet unexpectedly tender debut, Kopano Maroga immerses themself in Christian myth...
The first collaboration between uHlanga and the Cape Youth Poetry Hub for Expression and Rhythm (...
In one of the most anticipated debut collections of recent years, Maneo Mohale reckons boldly wit...
In the late 1970s, Lindiwe Mabuza, a.k.a. Sono Molefe, sent out a call for poems written by women...
In an extraordinary debut, Megan Ross writes the uneasy truths about unexpected motherhood and al...
Imbued with a sense of history - not to mention an ample wit and sharp eye for irony - C.J. Drive...
(There are shards of light also, butI will say nothing about them.A cellphone camera is recording...
'I could neverbring myself to askthe artist and titleof the cassette tapethat my uncle was killed...
Eclectic, eccentric and eloquent, Modern Rasputin establishes Rosa Lyster as one of South Africa'...
This seventh collection from one of South African poetry's under-appreciated masters is possibly ...
In his moving debut collection, Musawenkosi Khanyile speaks for the heartache, perseverance and u...
Ilifa yingqokolela yemibongo engumzame wokuzikisa nokuphonononga ubumnandi nobukrakra bobomi. Nan...