The ultimate sci-fi manga returns! In the future, powerful beings known as 'Lucifer Hawks' have b...
Shining Force Feather is the first Nintendo DS entry in thepopular Shining RPG series. This offic...
Record of Agarest War is an epic, multi-generational RPG where yourdecisions affect the power of ...
Supernatural Anime Of The Year Mystery Or Psychological Anime Of The Year Boy Of The YearBarely e...
Featuring 20 removable art pieces from Catherine and Catherine: Full Body!
Boring salaryman Soya Gomi finds himself infected by a parasitic alien, while his beloved wife Yu...
The EX-couple who live under one roof become closer after a turbulent medical emergency!EX-girlfr...
Mysterious islands have appeared threaten the hometown of Ryza and her friends! In hopes of findi...
When Mega Man grows up, he must face his greatest challenge of all... life as an adult!The days o...
With its 46-character roster released over five seasons, Street Fighter V continued the franchise...
School's out... of control! Rival Schools is the explosive fan-favorite tag-team fighting game fr...
Collecting the artwork behind the fan-favorite game -- Mega Man X DiVE! This action-platforming a...