A continuation of the story begun in 'Deep Winter', finding the Drummond family and their friends...
From a relatively normal American life to a survival situation in moments, this story follows the...
She'll never accept his help.He'll never stop trying to protect his town.Mia Tathers is an ATF Sp...
Homeland Security Agent Dakota Pierce is determined to solve every case, no matter what. When it ...
The fight is coming home.For trophy daughter Nora Gladstone, life isn't as perfect as it appears....
The fight never let them go.Plucked from a life on the streets and trained as a covert agent, Kar...
The fight never stopped.All DEA Special Agent Lucia DeSoto has is the job. Until a routine operat...
The agent left behind. Stuck on probation with nothing to do but busywork.Niall's case points to ...
Hiding from her enemy.Talia takes an assignment at a bank, where she meets a dashing Secret Servi...
'Lisa Phillips is the master of edge-of-your-seat action and suspense!' - USA Today best-selling,...
She won't tell him the truth.He'll never stop trying to find it.In this town, Police Detective Sa...
'Lisa Phillips is the master of edge-of-your-seat action and suspense!' - USA Today best-selling,...