From Simon & Schuster, Classic Crews is a collection of works from the master Harry Crews, includ...
Created by a famous Japanese psychologist, kokology is the study of kokoro ('mind' or 'spirit' in...
The complete program for building and maintaining a well-conditioned, excellently proportioned bo...
An investment book that explains how to profit from mergers, bankruptcies, liquidations, spin-off...
Already an international bestseller, this empowering survival guide provides no-nonsense advice o...
Price of Power examines Henry Kissinger’s influence on the development of the foreign policy of t...
From author and psychotherapist Dr. Brian Weiss comes the classic New York Times bestseller on th...
This is the definitive book that will allow anyone to go from an average knitter to a master knit...
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In this incisive look at the impact of new information technology on business and education, the ...
The Paideia Proposal is a system of liberal education intended for all children. It was a respons...
In this groundbreaking guide, elite dog trainer Kyra Sundance reveals the path to helping your do...
Discover how following the simple suggestions and rules found in this book can make you a truly o...