This educational children's book follows Koda, a Golden Doodle, as he narrates adventures with hi...
This collection of stories comes directly from the personal experiences of Chaplain Garry Hodges....
In this new millennial fairy tale classic, we are introduced to Lady Humble Bee, the worlds' shye...
The Pet Healer Project is a collection of profiles of internationally known animal healers. From ...
People want to believe that when a loved one dies we remain connected through a universal system ...
Volume 2 of The Victoria Woodhull Saga brings Victorian America and the struggle of women to life...
Historical fictionalized account of Victoria Woodhull's rise to presidential candidate and wealth...
Don Hanley had every reason to believe he was born a worthless burden, but he finds that splendor...
In this coming of age memoir, we follow young Danny Davis living in rural Oregon during the Great...
In this thought-provoking story of suppressed emotions and forbidden love, two people who, for di...
During Orange County's population boom in the early 1960s,the Robinson family moved to Newport Be...
'A valuable resource for learning or renewing your art skills... With the book as a guide, my gra...