Two Voices Du Balsai is a literary celebration of a thirty year friendship between poets and tran...
Error leads to error in Red Riding Hood's Sister, as a girl in love finds her marriage has turned...
In A Matter of Time, Elizabeth Raby begins in the beginning with an 'ever-widening circle of wome...
Donna Pucciani's seventh book of poetry, Edges, explores the boundaries of human experience, the ...
'Ken Hada's Not Quite Pilgrims presents a natural world brimming with promise: there are owls in ...
St. Brigid's Well began on the West Coast of Ireland as Jonas Zdanys was teaching a seminar in Di...
This bilingual (Chinese-English) collection includes poems by 梁慧春 Huichun Liang (with English tra...
In The Lone, Cautious, Animal Life, Paul Bowers establishes a natural connection of human existen...
In this daring book of poems, Albert DeGenova takes us on a personal journey through the physical...