A swooping, evocative tale spanning nearly fifty years, The Mischief-Maker is a story of ambition...
When Bernard de Fontenelle published the first edition of his Entretiens sur la Pluralité des Mon...
'He was the greatest composer that ever lived,' said Beethoven of Handel. 'He is the father of us...
The best portrait of Jay Landesman as a cultural conduit was written by Beat historian John Clell...
Published for the first time with The King's Grant of Privilege for Sole Printing Common-Law-Book...
Despite their modest size, the Lays of Marie de France are among the finest flowerings of Medieva...
Enter the Malcontent... a misfit, an outcast, a 'strayer from the drove', one who laughs at the f...
Contents: There is a Lady Sweet and Kind - Anonymous; From a Lady to a Gentleman, in Answer to a ...
An Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography traces the development of handwriting in the Gree...
This volume presents the life and times of Jay Landesman, author, entertainer, writer and publisher.
British journalist Hilary Blyth famously liked a drop or two as well as a midnight dip, and when ...
This fascinating book describes the history of Oxford University's great academic library, from t...