Gifted with metahuman powers in a world full of capes and villains, Tori Rivas kept away from the...
After her apprenticeship was done and a place in the guild of villains secured, Tori's life was s...
Gifted with metahuman powers in a world full of capes and villains, Tori Rivas kept away from the...
After her apprenticeship was done and a place in the guild of villains secured, Tori's life was s...
Titan was one of the nation's most loved and respected Heroes, until an infidelity scandal tore h...
Junior year has come for the remaining students of Melbrook Hall, and it promises to be the most ...
With her new product line launched and an updated version of her suit to test, Tori Rivas is read...
With her new product line launched and an updated version of her suit to test, Tori Rivas is read...