Poison Pen is the absurdist tale of redemption about a depressed game show host known for his cru...
BENEATH THE FLAMES is an intimate combination of love, race, and life as an urban firefighter.A f...
2019 Readers' Favorite First-Place Gold Medal Winner in Fiction: GeneralA fire in a neighboring f...
Eddy and Will LeBarron live in the same small Northwoods town of Moon Lake, but their worlds coul...
The sequel to Carmela Cattuti's first novel, Between the Cracks, this story invites the reader to...
A Killer Weaves a Deadly Blend of Betrayal and Revenge that Threatens Chloe's Work ... and Her Li...
Trying to leave painful memories behind her, Chloe Ellefson is making a fresh start. She's the ne...
An island's history holds clues to a modern murder.Solitude at last! Museum curator Chloe Ellefso...
Chloe Has a Devil of a Time Keeping Tempo with Dangerous Mysteries in NorwayAfter her mother's un...
Curator Chloe Ellefson is off to Minneapolis to help her friend Ariel write the proposal for a co...
Dark Secrets Hidden in Norwegian TraditionsFor curator Chloe Ellefson, a family bonding trip to D...
Greed, Uncertainty, and Death Get Tangled in the Mystery of a Rare Piece of Belgian Lace'In this ...