This eclectic collection of poetry explores the fragility and impermanence of all that is preciou...
'What can I say about a collection featuring a singing and dancing papaya, a pesky street charact...
The Road To Clevedon Pier is the first Anthology of poetry from The Hedgehog Poetry Press, contai...
Everything sings in these pages, from birds to buildings who remember the children who once lived...
'Kristin Garth writes as if her life depends on it. She is a genius in the deepest sense of the w...
If, as it has been said, every poem is a love poem to something, then each of the poems in Fallin...
'Kristin Garth's work is a vulnerable piece of writing, connected with hybrid memoirs. It is fill...
'Apple Water' is a small collection of poems and short prose based on Raine's Romany family who a...
The full line-up for the magazine, is:Poems fromChristopher LevensonLucía Orellana DamacelaAlison...
Anatomy of A Dress explores messages regarding how women have historically been encouraged to dre...
'The Blue Hour is a period of morning and evening twilight whenthe sun is below the horizon colo...
Sue Burge is a poet and freelance creative writing and film studies tutor based in North Norfolk....