Healthful Living, was originally published by the Medical Missionary Board, Battle Creek, Michiga...
The book of Revelation begins with a promise: 'Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the wor...
Today, Seventh-day Adventists are known for their healthcare institutions and their work in the f...
Brother Heiks has spent many years of research studying the primary documents of church and polit...
Kid Power is full of inspiring stories that share the extraordinary achievements of ordinary kids...
As a beam of light, God's love can pierce through the darkness to change the lives of people who ...
The Christian walk of faith is a journey full of joyous moments and mountaintop experiences as we...
This book features humorous and serious stories, as well as wild and hard-to-believe stories. Fro...
Do miracles like those found in the pages of the Bible still happen today? Mabel Tupper didn't th...
Trumpets were extremely important in the lives of the people of ancient Israel. Through the use o...
'Is it a true story?' is the perennial query of children at their mother or father's knee. These ...
On Tuesday, May 7, 1889 at eight o'clock in the evening, Ellen G. White arrived at the Ottawa Kan...