Healthful Living, was originally published by the Medical Missionary Board, Battle Creek, Michiga...
The book of Revelation begins with a promise: 'Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the wor...
The whole economy of Redemption, and the whole course of History are the broad substructions on w...
'Is it a true story?' is the perennial query of children at their mother or father's knee. These ...
On Tuesday, May 7, 1889 at eight o'clock in the evening, Ellen G. White arrived at the Ottawa Kan...
Can you understand algebra if you have never learned basic addition? Can you write a book if you ...
Is the Protestant Reformation finished? Was it simply a passing 'family feud' within Christianity...
The book, Mad Cows and Milk Gate was written by a former dairy inspector. Board certified in Fami...
Settle into a comfortable chair and prepare to be transported into the exciting world of literatu...
'There is something wrong with this freckle on my arm. I think it might be malignant. Why am I ex...
Chinedu Daniel Obasi's latest literary contribution, The Green Sabbath and the Last Vista of Hope...
'For years, many people have begged me to write a cookbook... the way I cook-simple, quick, and e...