Born on the island of Flores, between Europe and the United States, Pedro da Silveira captures th...
A literary scholar and philosopher looks at the philosophical hypothesis concerning evidence in P...
A bright, witty excursion through the fictional letters of a turn-of-century dandy who hilariousl...
Based upon the author's own experiences of life, exile, and return under the dictatorship that gr...
Alternately gritty, suspenseful, and illuminating, Brian Sousa's debut collection of interlocking...
'The Unknown Islands is considered one of the most beautiful works of travel literature in Portug...
The first Iberian pastoral romance, a feminine narrative that is a revealing meditation on love a...
A Portuguese immigrant family falls apart when the matriarch's death leaves their dairy-farm lega...
Essays on and work by Vitorino Nemésio.
Narrated in realist and poetic language as a series of interconnected tales within a larger story...
A comedic portrait of Portuguese American life during the Great Depression