A hunted witch hiding in an Agatha Christie-esque novel, a series of eccentric characters, a host...
Imagine if your life was spent at the mercy of coincidence...A missing multi-million-pound painti...
Can we ever know the ones we love? A comic seeks the truth behind his girlfriend's disappearance...
Want to add punch to your prose? Follow these 55 simple edits and improve your writing forever!Ge...
A war-damaged empath with six hours to live is forced to solve a series of mind-bending murders....
Vatic, a top Company empath, is forced to board a rogue bioship heading for certain destruction....
And from the dark unknown came a hooded avenger... When the Scowl is brought before the court of...
Lost teenager, Blue, must travel back in time to save his family from certain death.Blue is an ...
Quick-Kill is a self-made assassin and tekhead. But after a simple job blows up in her face, she ...
In space, everyone can hear you scream...Lissa, an ambitious and resourceful young woman, has don...
The LDN Book 3 (Low Dose Naltrexone) Is an invaluable science-based resource for patients and cli...
The sound of cows bawling and questions from visitors to their farm, plus their own growing alarm...