The worlds of music, money, and murder intersect when a rapper and his unrulycrew move into an el...
In the second installment of their cutting-edge romantic trilogy, Shonell Bacon and JDaniels cont...
Overflowing with lies, deceit, dangerous-and illegal-weapon sales, and extramarital affairs, Behi...
This fast-paced thriller twists and turns its way through the prplexing investigation of several ...
In this gritty and suspenseful family drama from celebrated storyteller Keith Lee Johnson, three ...
How do you measure the worth of a woman? Or determine the value of a man? In this sexy, suspensef...
One by one, government officials are being picked off and the FBI have no leads—who's killing the...
A gritty, sophisticated, supernatural street thriller that explores the nature of forbidden love ...
An ENGAGING and PROVOCATIVE new novelthat CHALLENGES all the political, socialand economic INADEQ...
Eastside is a coming-of-age tale set among the backdrop of inner-city gang violence in the early ...
A fresh and funny take on the perils of dating from a gifted new African-American writer. Sarcast...
In this fast-paced, sexually charged thriller, a newly appointed judge is caught up in a gritty c...