Sergeant Smack chronicles the story of North Carolina's Leslie 'Ike' Atkinson, an adventurer, gam...
Chili Pimping in Atlantic City: The Memoir of a Small-Time Pimp and Hustler, the controversial au...
Tales featuring drug king pins, entertainers, hit men, street gangs, con men, corrupt cops and re...
This is the powerful autobiography of Marcus Valdespino and deals with gang life and violence in ...
Charles 'Lucky' Luciano is one of the most researched, discussed and dissected American mobsters ...
This book details life in a unique Audubon-designated, ecologically friendly refuge. There, golfe...
This is a different kind of book about doing business in China, and it is done with humour. The C...
A fascinating story populated with memorable characters. We have three Army veteran misfits, a co...
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt examines how conspiracy theories developed after publication of the War...
This volume covers Amado Carrillo Fuentes, Khun Sa and Raymond Chow. All three of these men are a...
Tweets and Consequences 60 Social Media Disasters in Politics and How You Can Avert a Career Endi...
Just as young journalist Lark Chadwick is about to begin her new job on the cops and courts beat,...