Daniel is the new kid in town, having moved with his parents from bustling Boston to a quaint hou...
William Lincoln, an impatient businessman in his 20s, casually asks a small-town coffee shop bari...
LANEY GENNAWAY, recently separated and new to Southern California, decides to take a true crime t...
'More twisted tales masterfully crafted for your terror'--Cover.
'Series created by John Carpenter and Sandy King'--Half title page.
At Tattersall Prison, a max-lock for the baddest of the bad, sleepless nights are the norm... unt...
August 1977. Astronomers detect the so-called 'WOW' signal: a burst of sound from deep space, nea...
From the mind of John Carpenter, the man who brought you the classic horror film Halloween and al...
The Christmas Spryte Encounter: Second Chance
100 select drawings and biographical notes by Lorin Morgan-Richards of notable figures from Nativ...