When Col. Benjamin Wettermark emptied the bank and skipped town in 1903, he left his wife, his ch...
Embark on an inspiring journey through the heart of Texas with Cynthia Devlin's groundbreaking wo...
Alita's Curse is a fictional story based on a 1904 sea otter hunt and the lives of my great grand...
'The Weight of the Weather: Regarding the Poetry of Ted Kooser' is a comprehensive examination of...
Covers the life of civil rights activist and civic leader Wendell H. Baker Sr. This newly edited ...
Cyrus Cassells' vibrant translations grow on the page as though the essence of Francesc Parcerisa...
This is an exercise in intellectual history. The topics discussed are among the most argumentativ...
I originally started out to write down a few of my family's tales for our current generation, but...
From the author of Swift comes a new and suspenseful realistic novel of war, love, and survival d...
Shelia Sanderson writes a mature and committed poetry - a poetry that cuts to the bone, a poetry ...
This is a story about four children who take a hike and the adventures they encounter - giant spi...