Robert Gibbons' poetic seam runs from Black Mountain and the Beats, touching plateaus of elegy an...
Barlow's metaphysical noir The City, Awake is a novel of chemically induced amnesia, doppelgänger...
With Annihilation Songs: Three Shakespeare Reintegrations, writer and award-winning filmmaker Jas...
The Shaky Phase: luminous, melancholy, surreal, and hypnotic poems of vodka, velour, western-natu...
With Annihilation Songs: Three Shakespeare Reintegrations writer and award-winning filmmaker Jaso...
Scot Sothern's profane western satire BIGCITY, is a novel with an unforgettable cast, including t...
D. Foy's second novel is a tornado of brutal Americana. Patricide is a heavy metal Huck Finn that...
2034: Evangelical secret agents, fast food moguls, the voice of God in computer software, violenc...
Like Whitman listening to Kraftwerk, Michael J. Wilson's A Child of Storm fuses the incandescent ...
1969: Revolution in Mexico! Decades later, charismatic guerrilla leader Lorenzo is living in Euro...
In this biting satire, Matthew Binder takes surreal aim at the poses and pretensions of high art ...
In this biting satire, Matthew Binder takes surreal aim at the poses and pretensions of high art ...