This book speaks to you about you… about man from a Orthodox Christian perspective.It sp...
St Athanasius' On the Incarnation is arguably one of his most famous writings utilized throughout...
'Indeed, Lord, Thine is the Power and the Glory and the Blessing and the Honor forever Amen...You...
The Conferences of St John Cassian is a classic of Christian spiritual wisdom for monasticism and...
This is from the popular series by H.H. Pope Shenouda III'Words of Spiritual Benefit.These word c...
'The most dangerous thing about sin is that it means a separation from God: being cut off from Hi...
'This Part 4 of the series, 'So Many Years with the Problems of People', contains 60 questions on...
When you know your enemy, the devil, and his methods of fighting, you can be on guard against him...
This book presents sixteen lectures given by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III (Pope and Patriarch o...
This book 'Life of Hope' is the second part of the series 'Faith; Hope; Love', of which the first...
This book discusses christian spiritual fasting in detail and is of great benefit to all who want...