Are you ready to make people sit up and listen when you speak? Do you want to shine in conversati...
Is your drive to succeed taking you away from other things you love in your life? Would you like ...
Do you want your business to step up and make a meaningful difference?There's a new generation of...
Gerry Harrington's intensely thoughtful and highly informative book draws on her long experience ...
Business results and meaningful work connect to impact effectiveness in our organisations and liv...
Want to get your business book flying off the shelves? It's never too soon to start thinking abou...
Make that first impression count. Create success and secure more business with a powerful pitch t...
Make a fast, effective impact on the financial success of your business. Setting the optimum pric...
Have a sales plan? Now you need a marketing plan. Written especially for small businesses, this A...
Brad Parkes has been involved with membership organisations at the highest levels for a number of...
Are you ready to become a trusted advisor to the business world? Publishing expert, Sue Richardso...
Are you looking for a more compassionate, caring and loving way to lead?Do you want to be a leade...