The current book aims to reveal, under a different perspective, how Malevich transmutes the basic...
In all its existence, the human society and the people with each other develop relationships betw...
Arduino, a computer hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and ma...
This is an Introductory Text Book of Vectors and Vector Calculus. It covers the main topics for a...
There are 24.2 million family-owned and operated organizations in the United States. The gross do...
The Indian city defies every law of governance. The complexity of religious communal exclusion an...
It is a well-known fact that race has an influence on the pulpal system, and most studies conduct...
This work studied in details the occurrence of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin in different t...
The medical education and health care in India are facing serious challenges in need based conten...
Over the last decade, the available spectrum in wireless communications systems has been a very r...
According to United Nations the total number of elderly people in the world will reach at 1.2 bil...
For a hundred years now, Einstein's General Relativity theory has played a pivotal role in our un...