Estee brings a unique perspective as a self-development expert and as a seasoned travel advisor a...
Our decisions are informed by what we believe, I have learned. What we believe about ourselves an...
Ghana's Coach James Kwasi Appiah highlights experiences from his international playing and coachi...
Maya Angelou once wrote, 'All great artists draw from the same resource: the human heart, which t...
Our decisions are informed by what we believe, I have learned. What we believe about ourselves an...
Are you so tired of setting and not accomplishing the goals you set for yourself that you don't e...
Ghana's Coach James Kwasi Appiah highlights experiences from his international playing and coachi...
Most African immigrants have two unique factors that significantly drive their financial decision...
As a nurse leader, I have witnessed many employees suffering from the effects of burnout. The ben...
If you're interested in witty, moving, and transformational experiences, written by authors who a...
As a nurse leader, I have witnessed many employees suffering from the effects of burnout. The ben...
The stories that are in between the cover of the book are all true and I am amazed I survived the...