The whole 'Thinking of' series focusing on the Smart Questions is a brilliant concept. These book...
'This book is a great resource for Microsoft partners - it provides smart questions and even smar...
The phrase 'Salesforce@scale Dilemma' was coined by Forrester, the industry analysts.Internal su...
Although backup and recovery seems as simple as copying bits from point to point, it is far more ...
Despite the hype and noise there would appear to be some real credibility around the delivery of ...
If you are a Director or executive of a medium to large organisation that is thinking about what ...
Cloud Computing is evolving at a great pace.Some would say maturing.Cloud Computing is driving bu...
Are you responsible for technology in a small or medium sized business, nonprofit or education? A...
Success in improving performance requires the right mix of focus on people, process, and technolo...
We are bold and we take our customers on a journey to utopia, a world where IT services just work...
When you are thinking about joining a gym there are important questions that you should ask yours...
This book contains the personal stories of management, marketing, administration, and academic st...