South Beach in the late 1990s is a town of blink-and-you'll-miss-'em nightclubs populated by cele...
In a riveting narrative shaded with honesty and regret, an Internet fraudster pens a behind-the-s...
In this inventive and moving debut, a young man embarks on a search for meaning after he attends ...
Same Sex in the City is a one-of-a-kind, sassy guide for gay women (and any woman who has ever lo...
Based on Showtimes hot new series 'The Tudors'--an intimate and daring drama that portrays the ea...
Bark compiles the 40 most powerful, affecting graduation speeches delivered in the last 10 years ...
Based on Nadelberg's stage show in which grown men and women confront their angst-ridden adolesce...
Dating is a thing of the past, gone the way of dinosaurs and stirrup pants. It's extinct. Kaput. ...
This suspenseful, superbly engaging debut offers a fascinating look at upper-class ambitions as a...
If you know anything at all about mixed martial arts and the UFC, then you know the name Matt Hug...
Exploring the nuptial maze from every angle, an etiquette columnist demonstrates how everyone inv...
'The Cardio-Free Diet' is a revolutionary four-phase program that emphasizes strength training to...