In the world of Seibu, an endless war between the gods of Light and Dark threatens to destroy all...
Tania Peters had it all-a loving, supportive family, and a future that seemed all but set.But whe...
Tales of the nine Mages who form the Council of Elders, the leading body of the Mage's Council. S...
Damon Burke had strong family values, a good career, money, friends, and the foundation for a suc...
Age Island is free of Eastern occupation. The elusive Coven begins to emerge. The necare grow str...
The Troll Wars ravage the northern Imperial Highlands, thrusting generations of Falestians into b...
The fifteen year old Leora had always planned her entire life around working with her brother and...
In a universe where dragons are supreme sentient beings, divination rituals and knowledge of huma...
The children grow, the dragons watch.And they can't help but wonder what lies in store for them a...
Ten years have passed since the alien liberation league broke in to the Interplanetary Zoological...
Over centuries, the Fairchild family has used their vast fortune, business empire, and unscrupulo...
Growing up ninja in a modern world with ancient customs is difficult, but the Japanese government...