In the world of Seibu, an endless war between the gods of Light and Dark threatens to destroy all...
Isabel Deran only wants to practice archery with the castle guards, and that is the last thing ex...
Tania Peters had it all-a loving, supportive family, and a future that seemed all but set.But whe...
Since learning she had magic, life hadn't been the kindest to Leora. She left home at fifteen in ...
On Earth, despite the lack of water, John has managed to find a bit of peace. That is until his b...
Tales of the nine Mages who form the Council of Elders, the leading body of the Mage's Council. S...
Belinda Banner promised her mother she'd look after her younger brother, Jay, but when a well-dre...
Mel Worthington wasn't sure what he'd find when he went over the edge into Fairyland.There he was...
Hannah Fâtier is a thirty-two-year-old physician fresh out of residency training.She's just start...
Wendy Nagumo beat all the odds to be the first woman to travel to Mars. Thirty years later, she's...
Earth is in trouble, but after a daring escape to a remote outpost on Mars, Dr. Lirren Lamar find...
For generations the Troll Wars have ravaged the northern Imperial Highlands with no end in sight....