Eduardo Balderas: Father of Church Translation tells the story of a child refugee from Mexico who...
For the past 175 years, the Latter-day Saint Church has taught that Native Americans and Polynesi...
In this ground-breaking book, D. Michael Quinn masterfully reconstructs an earlier age, finding a...
GARY JAMES BERGERA Hardback. 352 pages. 1-56085-164-3 $25.95
When Wilford Woodruff converted to the LDS church in 1833, he joined a millenarian group of a few...
Almost from the beginning, the women's movement has been divided into two factions-those wanting ...
For more than 150 years the story of Mormon origins has been rewritten to a point where only frag...
'Utah's quest for statehood lasted longer, involved more political intrigue, and garnered more na...
Beginning in the spring of 1969, Huckleberry Finn inspired a question: Could you build a raft, fl...
Any Latter-day Saint who has ever defended his or her beliefs has likely addressed issues first r...
Alex McKelvey longs to fit in. She doesn't realize that her earth-mother style--the connections s...