The first ever biography of British film star and stage actor Eric Portman (1901-1969), who appea...
This is an alternative guide to the wildlife and geology of Skye detailing where to see the islan...
Exploring the origins, history and culture behind over two hundred 'curiosities' from across the ...
Recognised as a classic when first published (winner of 'Lakeland Book of the Year' in 1994) this...
Two hundred and thirty four Pembrkeshire villages and hamlets are covered, each with a brief desc...
The Lake District is the most beautiful corner of England. Its picturesque patchwork of lakes, va...
This third book in Sue's series is unique for her personal style, the in-depth research, delightf...
Suffolk - a county of beautiful rolling farmland and narrow, winding lanes leading to sleepy vill...
'New Forest Walks - a seasonal wildlife guide' is a walks book with a difference. Produced to app...
The book contains some remarkable stories such as the illegitimate son of a slave owner and his s...