For fans of Tom Perrotta, Maria Semple, and Elinor Lipman, a dark comedy about family dysfunction...
For fans of Tod Goldberg and Tim O’Brien, this debut contemporary noir follows a burned-out tech ...
What would Jesus do? This wry, irreverent, fictionalized account of his life and ministry—told fr...
For fans of Elena Ferrante’s The Lying Life of Adults and Jean Kwok’s Girl in Translation comes a...
Taking cues from Arthurian tales and folklore, Schimmel gives modern day readers heroines whose a...
A captivating story of a child’s survival of family violence and trauma, The Well of Sorrow, set ...
Set during the excitement and tumult of the second wave of feminism and the sexual revolution, th...
For fans of Madeline Miller’s Circe and Jennifer Saint’s Ariadne comes a Greek mythology adventur...
Perfect for readers seeking a higher understanding of their spiritual self, Rikki West’s vibrant ...
A vibrant, honest, and unique travel memoir for readers who think they’re too old to “eat, pray, ...
For fans of Anne Tyler and Jojo Moyes, a tartly compassionate and contemporary tale of sibling lo...
Fans of Oliver Sacks and Gabor Maté will be intrigued by this journey into the human brain, full ...