Aaron Wildavsky, a giant of American political science, brings his profound understanding of huma...
The first translation from the original Latin of this monumental study of ancient Jewish society.
A selection of articles addressing those fundamental questions that define the agenda for the Jew...
Translation of Hermann Cohen¿s monograph, Spinoza on State and Religion, Judaism and Christianity...
God, Man and History examines the underpinnings of Judaism as a whole, from theology to law to th...
Eliezer Berkovits analyzes law as it applies to the religious, ethical, and judicial principles o...
Essential Essays on Judaism presents 13 of Berkovits' most significant essays, exploring vital is...
Serves as a valuable introduction to Cassuto's illuminating commentaries on the Pentateuch, in wh...
The Hebrew Republic of Carlo Sigonio was one of the first works dedicated to the religious and po...
The first translation from the original Latin of this monumental study of ancient Jewish society.